Popular Open Source Tools for Web development tools - Lenskills
Popular Open Source Tools for Web development tools

Popular Open Source Tools for Web development tools

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Web application development or Web development is a dynamic and challenging field. Here’s a quick look at ten cutting-edge Web development tools that can make the job of developers a lot easier. Popular Open Source Tools for Web Developers ,atom

Product Description

Web application development or Web development is a dynamic and challenging field. Here’s a quick look at ten cutting-edge Web development tools that can make the job of developers a lot easier.
web development 

Popular Open Source Tools for Web Developers



GitHub is a hosting service for Git version control, or in simpler words, Git is a way of tracking changes in computer files and computer codes by different co-developers. It is a community of developers aimed to create and collaborate in producing better software. 
Using GitHub can make it very easy to collaborate in different open source projects. Also, since it is a community, you can post your works and showcase them to the community. Lastly, you can track different changes in your code. Revisions will be tracked easily for you.
Chrome developer tools are a set of developer tools that are easily accessed in the Google Chrome browser. It can let you do rapid debugging, which will show you the errors in your code directly. You can also do on-the-fly style changes that would not need a text editor. A specific element can be seen in the inspect element option and modify them and see the changes in real-time. Lastly, it is easy to use; it is very organized and easy to navigate and to use.


CodePen Projects started as an online code editor and open-source community where different programmers can send codes and get feedback from it on how to make it better. Now, CodePen Projects is a development environment for creating websites, but it is used in your browser.

CodePen is used as the normal editor because it can let you navigate different files and create different pages within a single file, which is a benefit for many web developers. It can also easily help you map out your website. All of these features are a huge relief for developers.

Sublime Text Editor

The sublime text editor is a source code editor perfect for web programming and development. It does support different programming languages, especially Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other languages made for web development. It provides a perfect workplace since different features, such as quick navigation, simultaneous editing, project-specific preferences, etc., are provided by the app; it is made sure that using this text editor will make your program effectively and efficiently.


Atom is one of the best open-source text editors one can find right now. We can easily carry out different cross-platform editing work with it. With Atom, the development of Web apps becomes much quicker as it has the support of AngularJS, Jshint, a built-in package manager, smart auto-completion, turbo-JavaScript, and Atom TypeScript. 



XAMPP is a popular cross-platform tool. It used MySQL instead of MariaDB in the earlier days. With XAMPP, it is quite easy to install and configure PHP, MariaDB, and Apache, as it has a complete package of its libraries. This is one of the best ways to set up your local Web server.
Notepad++ is an open-source tool that works as the source code and text editor for Microsoft Windows. With the help of Notepad++, we can offer code folding, syntax highlighting and tabbed editing for more than 50 mark-ups, scripting and programming languages. Notepad++ comes with a large number of plugins and also has huge community support. It offers support for playback and macro recording and includes PCRE search/replaces and bookmarks.
Node.js is built using the V8 JavaScript engine of Google. It is a JavaScript runtime environment, which is widely used to develop the server-side of Web apps. This open-source cross-platform tool facilitates faster and efficient app development. It makes use of the non-blocking and event-driven input/output model for a much better development process. Node.js was initially released in 2009.

Node.Js Web Development


jQuery is a widely used JavaScript library. It empowers front-end developers to concentrate on the functionality of different aspects. It makes things easy like HTML document traversal, manipulation, and Ajax.
You can follow this book if you want to learn web development and front-end development
  1. Javascript and jQuery for Data Analysis and Visualization
  2. Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery

You can follow these websites if you want to learn web development and front-end development

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